Stelton serveringsbricka Ø 40 cm dammigt grönt, by Erik Magnussen, 1309-1
Produkter från Stelton
Erik Magnussen's designs are exhibited in museums throughout the world and he has received the Lunning Prize in 1967 and the Furniture Prize in 1977. In 1983 he was chosen "designer of the year" by the Danish Design Council and his products have several times received the ID-prize by the Danish Society of Industrial Design.
"I want people to look at my designs thinking: of course!", Erik Magnussen
Erik Magnussen's designs are exhibited in museums throughout the world and he has received the Lunning Prize in 1967 and the Furniture Prize in 1977. In 1983 he was chosen "designer of the year" by the Danish Design Council and his products have several times received the ID-prize by the Danish Society of Industrial Design.
"I want people to look at my designs thinking: of course!", Erik Magnussen
349 kr /
314 kr
- Produktbeskrivning
Presentera ditt te och dina godsaker med elegans på Steltons EM-serveringsbricka, ett tidlöst mästerverk tillverkat 1982. Denna bricka har en enkel, men slående rund design som perfekt kompletterar den ikoniska EM-vakuumkannan. Det är otroligt bekvämt att hålla i koppar och skålar, vilket gör det till ett idealiskt val för sammankomster. Inspirerad av den legendariska designen på termosen EM77, förkroppsligar denna bricka essensen av elegant servering inom Stelton EM-serien.
BPA- och ftalatfri
Strömlinjeformad design i färger som matchar EM77 vakuumkannan
Tillverkad i Danmark sedan 1977 - Egenskaper
Artikelnummer: 1309-1 Designer: Erik Magnussen Diameter: 40 cm Färg: ammigt grönt Höjd: 2.3 cm Material: ABS plastic Mått: Item number: 1309-1 Length: 40 cm Height: 2.3 cm Width: 40 cm Designer: Erik Magnussen Colour: dusty green Material: ABS plastic Tål maskindisk: Nej Tål mikrovågsugn: Nej - Specifikationer
Lagersaldo: 4Frakt: PostNord - max 2 kg
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